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Things moved quickly as my manuscript went from my hunt and peck typing—to Joe's nimble fingers on his computer—to being published. Once published it become the best-selling book in the Salt Lake area in just 2 short weeks.
Things moved quickly as my manuscript went from my hunt and peck typing—to Joe's nimble fingers on his computer—to being published. Once published it become the best-selling book in the Salt Lake area in just 2 short weeks.


Sharing the message of God's love is my life's work–it is my joy and my love.
My life was changed by the knowledge given me to share, and it never
grows old for me to recall even a single minute of my visit into heaven.
Betty was born in 1942 in Valentine, Nebraska and was raised on the Rosebud Indian Reservation and in Rapid City, South Dakota. The seventh of ten children, her mother was Native American, her father Scots-Irish. At the age of four, Betty's parents separated soon after she was placed in St. Frances, an Indian Catholic boarding school near Rosebud, along with six of her siblings. Betty spent her youth in Indian Boarding Schools finally leaving them at age fifteen to marry and began a life that she dreamed of. Her dreams dashed, Betty remarried, this time to Joe who became her "rock" of strength and balance in life. Betty is the mother of eight children and to-date is a grandmother of sixteen grandchildren, and through marriages of her children, she is blessed with an addition of six grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren, all of whom she dearly loves. Betty celebrated forty-eight years of marriage to her husband Joseph L. Eadie Sr. before his passing in February 2011.
In November of 1973, at the age of 31, Betty J. Eadie died following routine surgery. After undergoing what has been called “the most profound and detailed near-death experience ever recorded.” Betty J. Eadie, author of the international bestseller Embraced By The Light, had the most eminent, prominent and extensive near-death experience ever recorded. She has written several books in an effort to share with others what she was shown in the spirit world about God and man’s existence, the meaning of life and what awaits all in the after life. Betty has given countless speaking events, lectures, radio and television appearances and interviews across America and abroad informing others that death need not be feared, the exquisite beauty of the spirit world, meeting Jesus, reuniting with deceased loved ones and the most important message of God’s unconditional love: that all are here to learn to “love one another.”
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