Listen to Sandi Patty sing“They Could Not” and read the lyrics that are so precious to me and will touch your heart and witness to you that the Savior Lives! Then listen to my own witness of the Savior Jesus Christ and know that he loves each of us unconditionally as he loved me.
They Could Not
by Sandi Patty
They looked at Him and
Saw a simple man
A carpenter with healing in His hands
They saw Him calm a sea and
Heal a dying man
They saw but could they really understand
They could not, They could not.
Though they tried, they could not
He was just a simple carpenter but with
healing in His hands
But could they really understand,
they could not
They listened to the teaching that they heard
They wondered at the mystery of His word
They wondered what He meant,
about a Father's plan
They heard but could they really understand
They could not,
They could not
Though they tried,
they could not
They listened
to the teaching
About a Father's plan
But could they really understand,
They could not
So finally upon
a rugged cross
They killed the man
Who would not
suffer loss
And when at last
they took
What willingly
He gave
He died,
but could they keep
Him in the grave
They could not, They could not
Praise God, they could not
And when at last they took from Him what willingly He gave
Could they keep Him in the grave,
Could they keep Him in the grave,
Could they keep Him in the grave...
They could not, They could not
Praise God, they could not
And when at last they took from Him what willingly He gave
Could they keep Him in the grave, could they keep Him in the grave,
Could they keep Him in the grave, They could not!
I weep when I listen to this song because it gives me a touch of home with Jesus as I remember him. When in heaven I recalled Jesus preparing to come to earth, we were all there! And we all knew the suffering he would endure for us. We cheered when we learned that he would come to earth to remind us of our heavenly home with God, our Heavenly Father, and that we would return to him unscathed by the challenges that earth would offer. We also knew that Jesus would give his life for us. We were sorrowful for him, yet rejoiced for the gift he would bring us and when I think of looking upon his majestic countenance, having triumphed over death, I want to shout “Praise God!”
“I saw a pinpoint of light in the distance. The black mass around me began to take on more the shape of a tunnel, and I felt myself traveling through it at an even greater speed, rushing toward the light. I was instinctively attracted to it, although again, I felt that others might not be. As I approached it, I noticed the figure of a man standing in it, with the light radiating all around him. As I got closer the light became brilliant—brilliant beyond any description, far more brilliant than the sun—and I knew that no earthly eyes in their natural state could look upon this light without being destroyed. Only spiritual eyes could endure it—and appreciate it. As I drew closer I began to stand upright.
Embraced By The Light, pages 40-53
“I saw that the light immediately around him was golden, as if his whole body had a golden halo around it, and I could see that the golden halo burst out from around him and spread into a brilliant, magnificent whiteness that extended out for some distance. I felt his light blending into mine, literally, and I felt my light being drawn to his. It was as if there were two lamps in the room, both shining, their light merging together. It’s hard to tell where one light ends and the other begins; they just become one light. Although his light was much brighter than my own, I was aware that my light, too, illuminated us. And as our lights merged, I felt as if I had stepped into his countenance, and I felt an utter explosion of love.
“It was the most unconditional love I have ever felt, and as I saw his arms open to receive me I went to him and received his complete embrace and said over and over, “I'm home, I'm home. I'm finally home.”
I felt his enormous spirit and knew that I had always been a part of him, that in reality I had never been away from him. And I knew that I was worthy to be with him, to embrace him. I knew that he was aware of all my sins and faults, but that they didn't matter right now. He just wanted to hold me and share his love with me, and I wanted to share mine with him.
“There was no questioning who he was. I knew that he was my Savior, and friend, and God. He was Jesus Christ, who had always loved me, even when I thought he hated me. He was life itself, love itself, and his love gave me a fullness of joy, even to overflowing. I knew that I had known him from the beginning, from long before my earth life, because my spirit remembered him.
“I seemed to melt with joy as I was held in his arms and comforted—home at last. I would give all in my power, all that I ever was, to be filled with that love again—to be embraced in the arms of his eternal light.”