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Things moved quickly as my manuscript went from my hunt and peck typing—to Joe's nimble fingers on his computer—to being published. Once published it become the best-selling book in the Salt Lake area in just 2 short weeks.
Things moved quickly as my manuscript went from my hunt and peck typing—to Joe's nimble fingers on his computer—to being published. Once published it become the best-selling book in the Salt Lake area in just 2 short weeks.


When I was in the spirit world, I was shown that love is supreme. I saw that truly without love we are nothing. We are here to have love for every person born on earth. Sharing Corner is a place for my readers—and myself—to share stories of trials, lessons learned, and best of all God's miracles and ripple effects of love in our lives.


When in the spirit world, I was shown that love is supreme. I saw that without love, truly, we are nothing. My Sharing Corner is designed for you as a special place for us to share stories of trials in our lives and lessons learned from our mistakes. Best of all, it is a place where we can share God's miracles.

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